Iranian Human Rights Working Group (IHRWG)

The following is an introduction to the Iranian Human Rights Working Group (IHRWG). It may be re-produced and published in its entirety in other media/publications too, but we'll be obliged if any such cross-posting/publication is reported to us for our records.

Iranian Human Rights Working Group (IHRWG) is a net-based community of individuals committed to campaigning for the improvement of human rights in Iran. Our aims and objectives are contained in its Charter which also sets out the structure of the group and the domain of its activities. The group has no political agenda, and makes no judgment on the legitimacy of the authorities in dealing with them, nor it takes the religious or political beliefs or personal attributes of individuals into consideration when it defends their human rights.

The group's Charter specifies its Aims and Objectives as follows:

To discuss, inform, educate and campaign for the improvement of human rights in Iran and of Iranians abroad by all lawful means possible. In its activities, the group will campaign for the human rights of individuals regardless of their religious or political affiliations or personal attributes. The main means of communication will be electronic.
The group's membership is open to all individuals who believe in human right values as stipulated by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, accept the group's Charter, and commit themselves to take part in the campaign for human rights in an atmosphere of mutual trust. The group is run by a five-member Steering Committee elected from amongst the membership for a term of one year. The current members of Steering Committee are:

If you like to get more information, including the text of the group's Charter, please send a message to ihrwg-info@Tehran.Stanford.EDU. If you want to join the group, please send a message to ihrwg-add@Tehran.Stanford.EDU. If you want to contact the group, send information about individual cases of human right abuses or make general comments, please send your message to ihrwg@Tehran.Stanford.EDU. You may also contact IHRWG via postal mail at:
        Iranian Human Rights Working Group (IHRWG)
        PO Box 700298
        San Jose, CA 95170-0298
Alternatively, you may contact any of the Steering Committee members mentioned above or any other member of the group known to you.

Iranian Human Rights Working Group (IHRWG)


"IHRWG is not affiliated with Stanford University, and the opinions expressed herein do not neccesarily represent those of Stanford University, nor do they imply any obligations on the part of the university."
Written by IHRWG, originally posted to soc.rights.human

HTML by Catherine Hampton (

Created on August 1, 1994 / Last edited on June 22, 1995